Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Current weight: 121
Loss during week 5: -2 lbs
Total loss from start: -5 lbs
Weekly Rating (1-10): exercise 8; eating 6.5
Best Workout Moment: getting my long run in while out of town
Most Tempting Food: anything on the weekend
Famous Person dream body: Jennifer Garner I guess. I'm drawing a blank here...
Evaluate Weakness (what has stopped you so far from meeting your goals? how will you fix it?): Right now I look ok in most of my clothes, so it's easy to feel complacent. What I really want is to FINISH getting into great shape...I want to SEE the muscles I've been working on. I know I need to eat better...fewer treats, more healthy/spaced-out meals and snacks. I think if I plan ahead what I'm eating, it will be easier to make good choices. I need to stop justifying vacation/weekend/special occasion eating...I'm enabling my poor husband's bad eating too when I do that...oops.
Trash Talk: I want to get on the "encouragement bandwagon." Let's make those boys embarrassed by how hard we worked out and how well we ate!

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