Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week 7 & 8. Welcome to the Lab Ladies!!!

Week 6 is complete... leaving 10 weeks until the end of this competition.

HEY PEOPLE! We are sensing a bit of apathy and lack motivation out there!!!

Our job is to help you guys push to your limits and acheive your goals.

It is time to mix things up. So here it goes...

-We will not be awarding week 6 winners male or female due to low numbers on weight loss and personal evaluation ratings.

-There will be no report next week because for the next two weeks you will be entering "The Lab"

-What is the Lab you ask? Here are the requirements:


1. As the name implies, "The Lab" is an environment to experiment and discover new boundaries. For our purposes, your "Lab" will be the next 2 weeks and the ONLY purpose is to initiate a personal experiment for you to see what happens when you eat better and workout harder than you have in entire life!

2. Yes, we mean it. No excuses, no complaints, no rationalizing. How will you know you are doing it? Every single day over the next 14 days will be HARD. You will curse the ripquest name and wish you were dead. Each night as you go to bed you will be tired, hungry, and cranky! And as you crawl into that bed you will need to set your alarm in plenty of time to get that morning workout in.

3. Give your scale to someone to hide. Everyone is getting too hung up on that daily trip to weigh in. During the lab there will be no weighing in, just hard freaking work! When the 14 days are up, everyone will do a weigh in report and take their 8 week photos.

4. Perfect Eating: Yes we mean it. No junk food, no grease, no refined sugars, no bad food AT ALL!!! We don't care if it is your birthday or your wedding. There will be no cheat meals, sneaks, or snacks! For 2 weeks you can be perfect.

5. Double Workouts EVERYDAY: We mean this too. Twice a day you will engage in some form of fitness activity even if it is 15 minutes of stretching and sit ups before bed. The point is obviously to burn calories and create muscle but even more so, for you to prioritize your health and get you out of your current routines by forming new habits.

6. This contest is all about YOU achieving your goals and changing your life and as such is on your honor.

7. Recognize that we have put you in a horrible place with only two difficult options....

First Option: Read this, think to yourself ummm yeah whatever I will do what i can and if not oh well... blah, blah, blah go through the same old motions... blah blah.


Second option: Commit fully to this experiment, enter the lab, struggle, work your butt off, and come out of these two weeks unstoppable.

*Each ripquester needs to print up the above rules, post them where they can see them and reply to this email by typing "I name commit to my own personal Lab fitness experiment and will do everything required to complete it."

Over these 2 weeks we will posting on the blogs every tip and piece of motivation we can muster to see you through.

Have a great next 14 days!!!


Current Weight:135
Total Loss: 0
Weekly Rating:2
Favorite Healthy Food: Apples and bananas
Best Workout Song: Electric Avenue
Who is your biggest competition so far? My willpower. Need to strap down and get this done
Describe your fitness level and weight on May1? I will be 120 pounds and able to run a 5k no problem and will increase my lift capabilities to get me up to the next level.

Baby Mama

Current Weight: 184
Total Loss: 1 lb.
Weekly Rating: 7-
i worked out six days out of seven for an hour or hour plus. food was pretty good. though i had dessert on a valentines date. couldnt pass it up.
Favorite Healthy Food: carrots
Best Workout Song: stronger- kanye
Who is your biggest competition so far? everyone. and my gut that seems to not budge one bit.
Describe your fitness level and weight on May1? i want to be in shape both in looks and in my heart. i want to weigh under 160. preferably closer to 150. heaven help me.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Current Weight: 121
Total Loss: 5
Weekly Rating: 6.5 (missed a workout day, talked to a fellow Rip Quester while I was staring at a pizza I'd ordered...shameful)---that said, my workouts were good, 90-120 min each, and Ihad calorie deficit most days.
Favorite Healthy Food: cottage cheese w/ apples; grilled salmon + veggie
Best Workout Song: long run: Snow Patrol/Beastie Boys; intervals: Mos Def
Who is your biggest competition so far? everyone
Describe your fitness level and weight on May1? I'm no longer tucking love handles into my pants; I can see my ab muscles w/o needing helpful lighting; I am better able to control emotional eating; I'm running a marathon in 2 days....and figuring out how to spend my $ :)!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Current Weight: 151 lbs.
Total Loss: -5 lbs.
Weekly Rating: 7
Favorite Healthy Food: sweet potatoes
Best Workout Song: Let's Get Retarded
Who is your biggest competition so far? EVERYONE of you awesome ladies!!!
Describe your fitness level and weight on May1? I will weigh 125 lbs. fit into all my skinny clothes, look tan and hot, be energetic and happy!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Current Weight: 122
Total Loss: 0
Weekly Rating: 6
Favorite Healthy Food: Whole Wheat Bread
Best Workout Song: Weezer - Pork & Beans
Who is your biggest competition so far? Biscuit is definitely giving me a run for the money! I still feel like I'm straggling behind EVERYONE.
Describe your fitness level and weight on May1? Fit as a fiddle with a six pack and a weight of 110!

White Chocolate

Current Weight: 151
Total Loss: 8
Weekly Rating: 6 Good weekdays, rough weekend
Favorite Healthy Food: Tuna salad
Best Workout Song: Lollipop by Framing Hanley
Who is your biggest competition so far? Me
Describe your fitness level and weight on May1? You'll think I was Jillian Michael's clone. Go her.

Silly Sally

Current Weight:+1
Total Loss:4
Weekly Rating:8
Favorite Healthy Food:strawberries
Best Workout Song: I usually watch a movie. roll bounce is my fav so far
Who is your biggest competition so far? everyone since I have lost the least!
Describe your fitness level and weight on May1? awesome 128

Friday, February 13, 2009


Current weight: 135
Loss during week 5: 0
Total loss from start:8
Weekly Rating (1-10):4- I did okay, but I am better than that
Moment: Hardcore weights
Most Tempting Food: Jack in the Box
Famous Person dream body: Heidi Klum
hat has stopped you so far from meeting your goals? how will you fix it?) I need to be better about my eating and stop snacking. I need to write down what i eat each day.
Trash Talk: Im going to start with myself and then get back to you.

Baby Mama

Current weight: 185
Loss during week 5: 0
Total loss from start: 10
Weekly Rating (1-10): 7- good workouts- ok food
Best Workout Moment: a kickin legs and back workout
Most Tempting Food: valentines candy!
Famous Person dream body: Gisele
Evaluate Weakness (what has stopped you so far from meeting your goals? how will you fix it?) i think my weakness is my current lifestyle- very little sleep due to a new baby and 2 other kids that dont sleep through the night. And sometimes i get lazy with my eating while i am making fun treats, or making dinner- just going the quick and easy route. how to fix this? hmmm. just stick to it I guess.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Current weight: 121
Loss during week 5: -2 lbs
Total loss from start: -5 lbs
Weekly Rating (1-10): exercise 8; eating 6.5
Best Workout Moment: getting my long run in while out of town
Most Tempting Food: anything on the weekend
Famous Person dream body: Jennifer Garner I guess. I'm drawing a blank here...
Evaluate Weakness (what has stopped you so far from meeting your goals? how will you fix it?): Right now I look ok in most of my clothes, so it's easy to feel complacent. What I really want is to FINISH getting into great shape...I want to SEE the muscles I've been working on. I know I need to eat better...fewer treats, more healthy/spaced-out meals and snacks. I think if I plan ahead what I'm eating, it will be easier to make good choices. I need to stop justifying vacation/weekend/special occasion eating...I'm enabling my poor husband's bad eating too when I do that...oops.
Trash Talk: I want to get on the "encouragement bandwagon." Let's make those boys embarrassed by how hard we worked out and how well we ate!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Current weight: 149
Loss during week 5: 2
Total loss from start: -7
Weekly Rating (1-10): 5 Great workouts, bad eating
Best Workout Moment: Pilates video was fun after I dusted it off and my first few training runs for the Wasatch Back relay were fun too!
Most Tempting Food: cookie dough
Famous Person dream body: Julie Andrews (I think, I've never seen her on the cover of Maxim or anything, but she has a slim waist and a girly figure with her clothes on!)Evaluate Weakness (what has stopped you so far from meeting your goals? how will you fix it?) making the wrong eating choices even though I know I shouldn't. I'm going to plan out all my meals, prepare and have things on hand.
Trash Talk: I'm really looking forward to my shopping spree on May 1...

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Current weight: 122
Loss during week 5: -5
Total loss from start: -9
Weekly Rating (1-10): 8
Best Workout Moment: Running for 45 minutes on an incline - big accomplishment for me! Most Tempting Food: Brownies w/creamcheese frosting
Famous Person dream body: Wonderwoman - seriously what a real woman
Evaluate Weakness: Feeling exhausted has been a major obstacle and gorging on food when I'm gone. I need to work on getting more sleep and control my eating when I'm away from home! Trash Talk: You ladies are awesome - let's lose more than the guys this month!

White Chocolate

Current weight: 152
Loss during week 5: +2 (Please tell me these will come off while I sleep tonight!!!)
Total loss from start: -7
Weekly Rating (1-10): 5
Best Workout Moment: I worked out every day
Most Tempting Food: What wasn't?
Famous Person dream body: Jillian from Biggest Loser. Pretty much love her guts and covet her body.
Evaluate Weakness (what has stopped you so far from meeting your goals? how will you fix it?) I had a couple weak nights this week. Not sure what my problem was but it was really rough for me. I'll improve my diet so my body will feel satisfied and not cave into these dang tempting foods that stare at me every freaking day. Ugh!
Trash Talk: I'm too busy kicking my own butt for such inexcusable will power. But I will conquer. I'm stronger than this.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Silly Sally

Current weight: 140
Loss during week 5: 2
Total loss from start:5
Weekly Rating (1-10): 7
Best Workout Moment:lots of bike riding (fx foot no running for me for a while)
Most Tempting Food:kettle corn from the circus
Famous Person dream body: jessica alba
Evaluate Weakness (what has stopped you so far from meeting your goals? how will you fix it?)will power! pray for the force!
Trash Talk: lemonade, crushed ice, beat it once beat it twice, turn around touch the ground, punch your competition out of town and pose

Friday, February 6, 2009


Current weight: 135
Loss during week 4: 1
Total loss from start: 8
Total % weight loss: 5%
Weekly Rating (1-10): 6
I had some really good workouts, not to well on the eating.
Best Workout Moment: doing completer\ hardcore cardio with whole set of weights. And doing well on a fitness assesment
Most Tempting Food: anything creamy
Your favorite muscle:calves New goal for second month: lose 2 pounds every week
Trash Talk:this past month was just a warm up

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Baby Mama

Current weight: 185
Loss during week 4: 4 lbs.
Total loss from start: 10 lbs.
Total % weight loss: 5%
Weekly Rating (1-10): 8 - six days for at least an hour
Best Workout Moment: yoga kicked my trash, and so did a gnarly legs and back workout
Most Tempting Food: valentines candy- it is mt favorite candy time of year.... love those stupid cinnamon hearts
Your favorite muscle: um, my quads. not by what they look like- but that they allowed me to do some awesome wall sits the other day for part of my work out.
New goal for second month: Lose more weight! :)
Trash Talk: good luck everyone! you are awesome.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Current weight: 123
Loss during week 4: +1 (all muscle though--you do get muscle from cruellers and brownies, right?)Total loss from start: -3Total % weight loss:Weekly Rating (1-10): workout 8 eating 5
Best Workout Moment: 10 mile run and getting 6 workouts in
Most Tempting Food: see above reference...but anything that let me eat my feelings
Your favorite muscle: my legs (below the saddle bags anyway)...I always think "nice!" when I'm walking towards a mirror at the gym.New goal for second month: -4 pounds, spreading my calories my evenly throughout the day, and to stop thinking "why try? this is as good as I get."
Trash Talk: Still working on "trash talking" my baked good-craving self. I have a feeling, though, that February will be my month.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Current weight: 151
Loss during week 4: gained 2!!
Total loss from start: -5
Total % weight loss: 3%
Weekly Rating (1-10): 2 I ate SO bad this week!
Best Workout Moment: I worked out 3 times and they were all good! If I feel so good when I work out, why don't I do it somedays?!?
Most Tempting Food: gas station junk food
Your favorite muscle: quads
New goal for second month: lose 16 lbs (I know that's a lot but...aim high!)
Trash Talk: I'm just ashamed of how crappy I did last week. I can't trash talk today!


Current weight: 127
Loss during week 4: +4
Total loss from start: -4
Total % weight loss: 3%
Weekly Rating (1-10): 4
Best Workout Moment: Didn't cry during my workout.
Most Tempting Food: Guacamole
Your favorite muscle: A bulging one
New goal for second month: Don't give in to the avacado and add running back into my routine.
Trash Talk: The truth is out, I'm a yoyo. But no more- this next month is going to kick my butt!

*she just posted pics so we''ll wait tell the next round to do the before and afters