Tuesday, January 20, 2009


current weight: 119
Loss this week: 6 lbs
Total loss from both weeks: 7 lbs
Best workout moment: treadmill intervals and a cardio class that hurt me like The Shred Zone
Most tempting food: chocolate orange slices (had one or two a day a few times last week)
Specific goal for coming week: step up cardio intensity; return to that crazy Cardio Core class that made me feel like an out-of-shape wuss AND don't be upset when you gain weight back.

**I would be remiss if I failed to mention that I got food poisoning Friday night and have been fairly frightened of food ever since. I ate healthy and worked out, but my weight loss has a lot to do with a very thorough (if unintentional) cleanse followed by consuming roughly 1,000 calories in 72 hours. And the pounds lost might look tempting but it was NOT worth it. Seriously, that night was a close second to labor.

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