Saturday, June 13, 2009

Baby Mama-Finalist 3


Beginning Weight: 195
Current Weight:160 (thirty five pounds baby!)

Beginning Clothes Sizes: bulging 14- Actually I believe I was still comfortably wearing maternity pants that were intensely elasticized.
Current Clothes Sizes:10

Beginning Exercise Condition: Not good. Infact I was at the time quite sedentary. At the begining I could only do 15 pushups on my knees. Now I can do thirty on my feet. I couldn't do very many sit ups. Now I can do an entire 15 minute video of just sit ups. I began doing my weight exercises with 8lb. dumbells. I am now doing most of those same exercises with 15 lb. dumbells.

Current Exercise Condition: In addition to the above points that I just made, I finished a 90 day program called P90x. I can do all sorts of different kinds of pushups and exercises. I can run a 23 minute 5k and I just did a 25 mile bike ride in an hour and thirty minutes. I am in way better shape now.

Overall Rating Total: 7.25

Provide final photos of front, back, side.

Brief paragraph: I had a great experience doing ripquest. It was a way for me to get back into shape and to lose weight. I feel like it has brought about a lifestyle change for me most importantly. I feel like I eat better and I am way more aware of food and how to eat healthy. I feel like I used to be an emotional eater and I have really learned that about myself and I have really done so well at breaking this habit. As far as exercise goes, I have gotten into so much better shape. I am loving feeling better and looking better. What ripquest has done for me though, and what I have done for myself, is change. I live healthier. June 1st isn't the end for me. I have ten more pounds to go and a life time of eating healthier and exercizing so I can live longer and be happier. Thank you ripquest.. ( and I would be lying if I didnt say that I hope that I win. I could really use a new kickass wardrobe in a month when I drop those last ten pounds..... and i just looked at my before pics. check out my back fat that is gone... now that is impressive!)

Okay- i cant send my pics right now from gmail. I will try to send them via my hotmail account. word.


LEFTY Report

Beginning Weight: 131
Current Weight: 113

Beginning Clothes Sizes: jeans 15
Current Clothes Sizes: jeans 3

Beginning Exercise Condition: 4 - Healthy, not fit (could jog 4mph for 30 min). 8 pushups in a row. 2-3 light workouts a week (didn't know they were "light" until now)
Current Exercise Condition: 8 - Healthy & fit (can run 6mph+ for 35+ ) 30+ pushups in a row. 10+ med/hard workouts a week

Overall Rating Total: 73, weeks reported a rating: 10, average 7.3

Provide final photos of front, back, side.

Brief paragraph: I got a slow start, and joined ripquest a little late, but really put my heart into it. You ladies really gave me a lot of motivation. I've gone down a few jean sizes and feel like I've really made myself a lot healthier for my family. Even though I didn't reach my goal of 105, I feel good that I exceeded my jean size goal. Overall it's been really positive. I've found out how to cook healthier and to control how much junk I put into this machine! I'm determined to never go back to my old habits and to stay fit for the rest of my life. Getting fit is so hard and I now have a new respect for athletes. You ladies are awesome, it really helped me to report often and see how you guys were doing. Thanks for the memories!


Beginning Weight: 156
Current Weight:143

Beginning Clothes Sizes: maternity
Current Clothes Sizes: 10 and a few under

Beginning Exercise Condition: (provide examples etc.) A thirty minute walk to the gas station to get movies and treats was my max. Muscles? Forget 'em. I hadn't worked out in months.

Current Exercise Condition: I can comfortably run 5-6 miles during the week and a longer 7+ mile run on the weekends. I can squat, push-up, stretch in yoga, and do a good sit up workout. I consistently for the last 4 months workout at least 4 times/week, if not more.

Overall Rating Total: 6

Brief paragraph: I am very happy with my rip quest results. I look and feel MUCH better than I did before and can wear my normal and smaller clothes! I know that I could have been more strict with myself in the eating area and had even greater results but I definitely accomplished my goals to change my habits and get in shape! I've developed an awesome exercise habit (and addiction) and I understand how much my body actually needs to eat instead of over-eating all the time. I buy at the grocery store and cook like I never have before! I love creating healthy, fresh and delicious meals. I've spent many mornings ripping myself out of bed when I didn't want to, trudged on through a run when I didn't think I could go any farther, slammed the cupboard door in my own face to stop from eating something... I've surprised myself in my personal accomplishments and have a new confidence and respect for myself. Overall, for me the ripquest was a success. I feel great!

Thanks so much! This has been fun and rewarding!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Current Weight: 115
Total Loss: -16lbs
Your 6 Week Goals: I've slacked on my diet lately, so I'm upping my game and cutting my portion sizes down and completely eliminating my little peanut butter snacks that I've gotten hooked on. I'm also starting to run outside now with a friend, but am keeping up my normal workouts as well. Maybe by the end of this I'll finally look like Kelly Ripa. Does that lipo dissolve really work? I still want to be around 105lbs, size 4 by the end of May. It would be really nice to be able to run for longer than 45 minutes and not throw up.


urrent Weight:132
Total Loss:1
Your 6 Week Goals (Write a short paragraph describing the next month and a half... exercise, diet, body transformation)
I need to stop making excuses and start up working out again. I have been out of control. I am going to committ to working out 4 times a week, writing down my foods, and grade myself daily.

Baby Mama

Current Weight: 168
Total Loss: 27
Your 6 Week Goals: The next month and a half are going to be intense!Exercise: Finish P90x this weekend. Start triathlon training. Keep weight training.

Diet: Report on Fitday each day. Stick to what has been working. No sweets.
Body transformation: Cross my fingers.. i want to lose at least 12 more pounds. More would be better.... :) My June 1st goal is 155.. which would be 40 pounds. I want to buy a kickin pair of skinny jeans that look hot! That my friends is my goal.


Current Weight: 122
Total Loss: 4 lbs
Your 6 Week Goals (Write a short paragraph describing the next month and a half... exercise, diet, body transformation).

I am looking forward to being done with marathon training. I'm hoping that doing more variety in exercise will help get me off this endless plateau. I'll still workout out 1.5-2 hours 6 days a week. I'd like to be under 120 by June 1st....and heading towards looking ok enough to be in a bathing suit for a cruise at the end of June. Need to get back to eating better, spreading my calories out during the day. I need to plan ahead...when I don't, I either don't eat or eat something not-so-great. I also need to be a more supportive spouse, so he can get back on the weight-loss train as well. I'm definitely not going to win this competition, but I'm hoping to be in decent shape, which will hopefully make for a healthier future pregnancy.